Ulysses s grant biography army 1864

When was ulysses s grant born

In March , President Lincoln elevated Grant to the newly revived rank of lieutenant-general and placed him in supreme command of all Union forces.
ulysses s grant biography army 1864

What did ulysses s grant do as president

His basic plan for the campaign was to immobilize the army of Gen. Robert E. Lee near the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia, while Gen. William Tecumseh .

Ulysses s grant education

Ulysses S. Grant (born April 27, , Point Pleasant, Ohio, U.S.—died July 23, , Mount McGregor, New York) was a U.S. general, commander of the Union armies .
Ulysses s grant political party
commanded the Union armies in the final battles in Virginia, received the unconditional surrender of General Lee at Appomattox Court House, April