Jules verne biography summary example
How did jules verne die
Jules Verne was an acclaimed French novelist, best known for adventure novels.
Jules verne wife
This book is one of Jules Verne’s best sellers; it showcases his talent in being able to build the perfect narrative and above all, making it plausible.
Jules verne bibliography
One example among many is the loudly trumpeted, but completely unsubstantiated claim that Jules Verne's brother Paul was the principal author of Une ville flottante, the short novel based on an account of a transatlantic journey the brothers made in Speculation often takes the place of hard information, too, in the narrative of Verne's.
Jules verne nationality
Svoje je junake Verne ispalio na Mjesec, pustio da plove pod morem u podmornici i natjerao da put oko svijeta prevale za samo osamdeset dana, što je u ono vrijeme bio fantastičan pothvat.