Dominique dord francois hollande biography

Francois pronunciation

Dominique Dord (born 1 September in Chambéry, Savoie) is a French politician of the French Republican Party who served as a member of the National Assembly of France between and He represented the Savoie department, [1] He is also the mayor of Aix-les .

dominique dord francois hollande biography

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In this election, Hollande was faced with five other contestants including IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn and his former partner Ségolène Royal.

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François Hollande was elected President of the French Republic on May 6, François Hollande was born on 12 August in Rouen, France.

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Biography of Mr François Hollande, President of the French Republic François Hollande was born on 12 August in Rouen, France.